humanoid robots

The Humanoid robots first invented in 1927 and its name is Asimo. The latest humanoid robot's Sophia. Mainly Indian scientists try to make humanoid robot in India. many wants to known sell what is humanoid robot price in India and humanoid robot price . The first humanoid robot Asimo was created by Westinghouse electric and manufacturing Co. The some humanoid robot names are - Asimo and Sophia and many other.

Humanoid Robots.
Humanoid robots are those robots those designed like  humans, walk, talk with with other human just like human and show expressions like humans. There was many humanoid robots was created from past to up to now but the most advanced humanoid robot is Sophia which created in 14th February 2016. It is first humanoid robot which talks with other own artificial intelligence. It not talk on sets programming.

 Humanoid Robot Asimo. 
It was first humanoid robot which created by Honda in 2000. It is currently present in the Marikana museum in Tokyo Japan. 
Some features of Humanoid robot Asimo. 
. The Honda had tried to develop humanoid robots. After researching it do it and invented the first humanoid robot Asimo between 1986 and 1993.
. The Asimo robot do many works like human. It can walk. 
. The big achievement of the Asimo robot was talking with other human without programming. 

Humanoid Robot Sophia. 
Sophia is latest humanoid robot which invented by
 Hong-Kong company Hanson Robotics. Sophia is a first robot whose appreance like human and it invented in 14th January 2016. it invented by David Hanson Sophia is covered by media the globe and it participate in many high-profile interview and in October 2017 it become citizens of Saudi Arabia. Sophia was first robot who get citizenship of any country. 

Some features of Sophia. 
. Sophia is first robot who get citizenship of any country. In September 2017. Sophia become Saudi Arabia citizen. 
. Sophia can see by its cameras in its eyes which combined with computer algorithm. 
. Sophia can show 60 facial expressions. 
. Sophia can talk with others in natural languages subsystem. 
. Sophia is upgraded with functional legs in January 2018 and Sophia become able to walk. 

Humanoid robot Sophia in India. 
Sophia is world first robot or humanoid robot who had travelled more than 65 countries including India also. In February 2020 Sophia was visited the city of joy Kolkata and it dressed in a traditional red and white Bengali saree. Sophia had welcomed by beat of dehook at Nazrul munch auditorium in Kolkata. Sophia interact with engineering students, professor of many universities in the city along experts from technology and medical sectors. 

Humanoid robot price. 
Many robots come in market for selling purposes. People's also buy these robots for own purpose. The some use's of humanoid robot - 
. Humanoid robot is used on medical sectors, industrial sectors, mining sector and many other uses of humanoid robots. In many online shopping sites humanoid robots are available for selling purposes. The Indiamart also sell humanoids robot at a cost of ₹45,000 per piece.



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