Reverse aging technology

Today all human not want he become a old but they are helpless to get old . In many religion holy books many stories shown related to age. In present time the  scientist  of different-different university or organization research on how we stop incensement  of age and how decrease age of human . Many universities and organizations got little success to reverse age and   many organization and universities try to do it will be possible the anti aging technology available for all in future . The scientist of Israel found  technology to reverse aging  of human . In many peoples think can technology reverse age of human .

Reverse aging Technology.

The scientist of Israel do revolutionary  research on 35 old human whose age 64 or more than 64 . After the research of Tel Aviv university scientists found way to reverse age of human by using pure Oxygen and hyperbaric Oxygen chamber .  The candidates participated by a clinical examination whose organized by The scientists of Shamir medical collage in Israel . these all information published by Aging magazine . 

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Why peoples become old -  The all structure of body controlled by chromosomes who present in DNA . The structure of chromosomes like banana on both end side of Chromosomes telomere is present to protect from any accident and Collison . 

The chromosomes continuously make their copies and increase their population . if the length of Telomere decrease due to many collision then Chromosomes are not able to make their copies and increase their population and chromosomes become die .

From this stage peoples becomes  old and loss their physical strength this is cause series disease. 

Why peoples not want to become old - Almost every man and women not want to become old . some reasons are that human not want become old  -

. In old age human become helpless and very weak they need support of other human or family member . many  families support old member of family  or many families not support old member of family  and send in old age home .

. In old age almost every human lost black hair and facial glow .

. The last and main reason is in old age human lost their physical strength and muscles power .

Research of Shamir medical college of Israel.

In 30th November 2020 The scientists of shamir medical college claim that we found way to stop age of human and reverse the age of human .  

Reverse aging technology explanation:-

First 35 old peoples was selected who not affected by any harmful Disease . Then they continuously gave them pure Oxygen in hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 90 min . this process continue to three months.

The result of the experiment astonished all Scientists and every people of world . The all old Peoples who participate in research decrease their age physical strength and facial glow just like 25 years old human . 

what cause to stop age and decrease in age :-  

Mainly the main cause is oxygen to stop incensement in age and reverse in age .

In this experiment the Chromosomes who not able to make their copies they start make their copies and the  dead chromosomes growing again  this cause age the all old peoples stop and they decrease in age .

The scientists tell  public that you not try in your home or any place it's can affect your Health.

Experiment by peoples in past to stop incensement of Age.

The famous musician and Dancer of America Michal Jackson Spend about 7.50 lakh rupees to make Oxygen chamber and he getting sleep in this oxygen and want to become live for 150 years .  they do practice to live long but Michal Jackson was not luck he become die at a age of 50 .

. The Gilgamesh king of ancient Egypt make whole program to stop age in basis of chin treatment method 5000 years ago.

. In Greece women's  stop  their age by using Honey and special type of oil 1000 years ago.

. The very popular Queen of Egypt Cleopatra . she was very beautiful to last her beauty she use milk of jenny ( female ass) 2000 years ago. The cost jenny milk is 5000 to 7000 rupees per liter.

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