Harmfull Effect Of Tabacco

 Our society are suffering from many dangerous.One of them are consuming of tobacco, alcoholic substances. Especially, youth sector of our society are turn to the wrong way, Consuming tobacco products i.e cigarette, gutkha, and wine. We have no idea about that consuming of tobacco products and alcoholic are deadly.

Tobacco :- 
                  Tobacco contains the highly addictive stimulant alkaloid nicotine as well as harmala alkaloids. Dried tobacco leaves are mainly used for smoking in cigarette and cigar. They can also be consumed as stuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, and snus,.
  70 species of tobacco are known, butthe chief commercial crop are N. tabacum. The more potent varient n. rustic is also used globally.
Important points:-
Tobacco kills up to half of its users.
Tobacco kills around 8 million peoples each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct consume while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smoker being exposed to second-hand smoke.
Over 80%of the world's 1.3 billion tobacco users live in low-and middle - income countries. 
                   All form of tobacco are harmful, and there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco. Cigarette smoking is the most common form of tobacco use worldwide. Other tobacco products are waterpipe tobacco, various smokeless tobacco products, cigars, bidis.
Over 80% of the 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide live in low and middle income countries, where the burden of tobacco related illness and deaths is heaviest. Tobacco consumption contributes to poverty by diverting households spending from basic need such as food and shelter to tobacco. 
Consuming tobacco is causes of many deadly diseases. 
A tobacco addiction can have fatal consequence without treatment. Tobacco use can cause:
Cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth. 
Heart disease 
Chronic lungs diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis. 
Anyone of these conditions can fatal. Quitting smoking and tobacco use can significantly reduce the risk of death due to these diseases. Even once the disease has been diagnosed, stopping tobacco use can improved treatment efforts. 
What are conditions of tobacco users in India?
As we know that, Consuming of Tobacco is dangerous for our health. It is the causes of many chronic diseases such as cancer, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. It is one of the major causes of deaths and diseases in India and accounts for nearly 1.35 million death every year. India is also the second largest consumer and producer of tobacco. A variety of tobacco are available at very low price. Nearly 267 million adults (15 years and above) in India (29% of all adults) are user of tobacco, according to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey in India, 2016-17.The most prevalent form of tobacco and commonly used products are khainis, gutkha, betel quid with tobacco and zarda. Smoking form of tobacco used bidi, cigarette and hookah.
How to reduce the rate of consumption of tobacco?
Government and our society can equally contribute to reduce the no. of tobacco users especially youth who rapidly turn to tobacconist. For any country, youth are more important sector. So Government and ourselves must take the preventive measures to reduce the no. Of tobacconist. 
1. Comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotions and sponsorship can reduce tobacco consumption. 
2. A comprehensive bans covers both direct and indirect varieties of promotion. 
Direct forms include, among others, advertising on television, radio, print publications, billboard, and more recently in various social media. 
Indirect forms include, among others, brand sharing, brand stretching, free distribution, price discount, sponsorship and promotional activities. 
3. Tobacco taxes are the most cost effective way to reduce tobacco use and health care costs, especially among youth and low income people, while increasing revenues in country. 
4. The tax increase need to be higher to push price above income growth. An increase of tobacco price by 10% decrease tobacco consumption by about 4% in high income country and 5% in low and middle income country. 
          " Save your lungs, save your life and your family. "


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